A week in Green Hydrogen - Oman enters green hydrogen movement, MoU between ACWA power and South African Gov, Kazakhstan's 50 billion USD investment ... etc
![A week in Green Hydrogen - Oman enters green hydrogen movement, MoU between ACWA power and South African Gov, Kazakhstan's 50 billion USD investment ... etc](https://digitalpress.fra1.cdn.digitaloceanspaces.com/crm0zqz/2022/10/Visual_4K_Background_Teams_withoutLogo-scaled--1-.jpg)
The sultanate of Oman has announced its green hydrogen strategy and plans that go for an ambitious goal of installation of 180GW renewable energy capacity by 2050 and also as an immediate target of one million tonnes green hydrogen per year by 2030.
Saudi-based ACWA Power has signed an MoU with South Africa’s government-owned finance institution, the Industrial Development Corporation (IDC) with an estimated value of $10 billion placing ACWA Power to serve as the key developer for green hydrogen projects in South Africa while the IDCis the co-developer and equity partner in the proposed projects.
Greenko, India's first dispatchable renewable company and Keppel Infrastructure, Singapore sign an MoU to explore opportunities in working towards a 250,000 tonne of Green Hydrogen per year contract to be supplied to a 600Mw power plant in Singapore.
Jakson Green, a newly formed Indian green energy company is to set up a 3,65,000 tonnes of green hydrogen and ammonia per year plant along with an integrated hybrid renewable power complex in Rajasthan’s Kota district.
The Netherlands has become the first European country to issue green Guarantees of Origin for hydrogen that guarantee the hydrogen is produced from green electricity. This certificate can be converted into renewable fuel units (RFUs) for traffic and transport.
Japanese conglomerate Toshiba claims green hydrogen breakthrough with new production technology for electrodes in electrolyzers which improves the efficiency of power-to-gas (P2G) reducing the use of iridium by 90%.
Kazakhstan government has signed a $50 billion agreement with Svevind a European renewables company to build 120 terawatt-hours annually hydrogen production facilities in Mangystau Region